Triple P's Foundation, Inc. mission is to serve youth by alleviating the financial burdens associated with prom, building self-confidence, and exemplifying the importance of investing in the community.


The three P’s in our name stand for, "Providing Purposeful Perception". In life, perception and attitude are pivotal because it shapes our beliefs and desires. Roadblocks are inevitable, but it is how we shape our thinking that creates the world around us. We can choose the life we want to live, but it is up to us to create our own avenue to circumvent this obstacle that may appear impossible. In this program, we seek to equip our young people with the right perspective and accountability to persevere.  




Roderick Carter, 2017-2018 Student advisory Board 

Roderick Carter, 2017-2018 Student advisory Board 

We believe life is created by our experiences which ultimately shapes our perspectives. Our goal is to build the next generation of leaders through mentorship, scholarship, and service.

Core Values

2017-2018 Empowering Leaders Mentees Left to Right: Latrell Ofurhie,  Raven Wilson, Tamara williams, keianna grambliss, Jaylin Gamble, sarah wiley, Arianna wright

2017-2018 Empowering Leaders Mentees Left to Right: Latrell Ofurhie,  Raven Wilson, Tamara williams, keianna grambliss, Jaylin Gamble, sarah wiley, Arianna wright

Our core values are mentorship, scholarship, and leadership. Want to learn more about how you can be apart? Email us today to find out how!

Communities Served

Ania wallace, 2017-2018 student advisory board

Ania wallace, 2017-2018 student advisory board

Currently, we serve the Greensboro, NC community. In the coming year we will be branching out to Seattle, WA and Dallas, TX.